Saturday, 20 June 2009

Manmohini Morey (Yuvvraaj | A. R. Rahman) - Cover

Unbelievable song, almost carnatic, almost fusion. A R Rahman = god, there's nothing else to it. I must have heard Manmohini Morey a billion times when it first came out, and I still hear it a billion times to this day. I believe the song is in Abheri ragam (or Bhimpalasi for the Hindustani aficionados out there). Vijay Prakash...gotta hand it to him. He NAILED the song and showed everyone who's boss. This guy is gonna go a long way.

That said, this was a VERY difficult song to cover - so hope you guys bear with me on this one. :-) I got the base soundtrack from "Sajith" (awesome job on recreating the soundtrack!!); link below. The audio quality in YouTube kinda sucks - I've put up a high-quality mp3 link below. I think that's much better. Seriously.

Download Mp3 VERSION :
Manmohini Morey - Viyerz

Message and Download link by Viyerz


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