A R Rahman Live in KL | Concert

28 January 2023 | Book Your Tickets Now!

Kadal BGM with Additional Tracks

44 BGM Tracks + 8 Additional Tracks

Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya BGM

Available with 73 voiceless BGMs

Jhootha Hi Sahi BGM - Voiceless

Available for Download

Rahmanishq | Road Tour

The ‘Mozart of Chennai’ AR Rahman is working on a concert titled ‘RahmanIshq’, a month-long expedition that will kickstart in Kolkata later this year. From there, he’ll head to Visakhapatnam, Jaipur and Ahmedabad in October.

Friday, 23 October 2009

ARRahman.Asia Crews Trip To A R Rahman JAI HO Concert at CHENNAI

Hi All Rahmaniacs,

Some of them here may know that we went to the concert and some of them no. Whatever it can be, here is the some snaps that have taken from the concert to shared with ARRahman.Asia Members and Guest. Our comments about this Concert is simply awesome and we have enjoyed it to the max. More pics are on the way, as my camera still at my cousins house at Singapore. For above images, credit goes to 1 of our admin RAAJA . Thanks a ton BRO ..
